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There are significant differences between hydraulic tool holders and ordinary tool holders in multiple aspects, mainly reflected in their working principles, performance characteristics, applicable scenarios, and ease of operation.1、 Working principleHydraulic knife handle: Based on the principle of
After a long period of testing, we have upgraded the structure of some commonly used power tool holders. On the one hand, the accuracy of the power tool holder is improved, and the runout is increased from the original 3μ to 1μ--2μ, while reducing the product cost by about 10%.
1, machine tool information: machine tool tower type and input interface (VDI, BMT or other);2, power tool holder processing application information: parts material type, cutting depth, cutting width and feed and the speed (rpm) used;3. Cutter seat information: type of power cutter seat (axial, radi
1. A new live tool holder, when starting to use, pay attention to its revolution can not be in a saturated state, under normal circumstances, the normal revolution is 70% of the standard revolution. After that, do not rush to use it for processing and manufacturing, the more correct operation method
In addition to the models we are selling, the lathe fixed tool holder can now be customized, and the construction time is about one week within 10 sets. You are generally required to provide the following parameters of the tool holder: